Ecology and Biodiversity

There are five SAC’s (‘Special Area of Conservation’) and one SPA (‘Special Protected Area’) within 15 km of the Site. In addition, there are eight pNHAs (‘Proposed National Heritage Areas’) within 10 km of the Site.

  • Galmoy Fen SAC and pNHA;
  • Cullahill Mountain SAC and pNHA;
  • Spahill and Clomantagh Hill SAC and pNHA;
  • The Loughans SAC and pNHA;
  • River Nore SPA;
  • River Barrow and River Nore SAC;
  • The Curragh and River Goul Marsh pNHA;
  • Coolacurragh Woods pNHA;
  • Grantstown Woods pNHA; and
  • Cuffsborough pNHA.

Extensive studies on ecology and biodiversity have been conducted for the project.

As part of the initial studies completed for the project, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) (Stage 2 – Natura Impact Assessment (NIS)) for Natura 2000 sites was completed for the project.  The NIS concluded that no significant impacts would occur to any Natura 2000 sites because of the proposed continuation of mining activities.

SRL will continue to monitor ecology and biodiversity in the area and if the opportunity arises will implement to enhance both, in conjunction with the relevant competent authority (for example Inland Fisheries Ireland).
