
From an environmental perspective, in the mining industry the most significant potential risk is typically the management of mine tailings, this is the fine particle size material that is the waste stream from the processing plant. While it can be used to produce backfill that is safely used in the underground workings, a significant quantity of tailings for most mining operations must be stored on surface in Tailings Management Facilities. In a global context it has been the failure of a number of these facilities that has caused the most environmental harm from mining in recent decades.   The new mine at Galmoy is producing a high grade ore, using an ore sorting technology, it is not processing the ore and will not produce tailings and have the need to store these tailings, as such this risk has been completely eliminated.

Other wastes produced will be typical waste streams produced by industry, including tyres, used oil, timber, various dry recyclables as well as other streams. All wastes will be collected from site by a licensed waste contractor and records will be maintained by SRL and reported to the EPA on an annual basis (or more frequently as may be required).